The Customer:

Use of AMD’s Graphic processor, ARM & X86 Optimization with BIOS Firmware/Linux Driver Development of a custom ARM/X86  GP GPU library and optimization for different variants of AMD Graphics Processor that associated with reference boards and software.


Business challenge :

In a search for unparalleled performance, the customer wants a complete redesign of their ARM/X86 system that includes expert optimization, a reference board, and embedded software to achieve the ultimate goal of harnessing the power of a AMD’s GPU processor.


Solutions and Impact:

NexSemi specialized in providing niche services for grounds-up development of  ARM /X86 SoC. Our team of experts focused on  library optimization,  graphics/multimedia, memory, and peripherals to deliver high quality multi variants of SoC development by including various next gen solutions such as silicon  validation, OS and drivers. This all possible because of our extraordinary 4 members that are expertise in using H264/H265 Video Imaging/Audio, Assembler and compiler expertise in very less period of time. We grew up to a 12 members team in 18 months because of our company’s dedication to bring a change.

We also worked on other Projects with AMD graphic processors that included BIOS/UEFI firmware development, test automation, HPC, Linux Kernel Graphics Driver Development that made us come to be in first position in providing reliable and efficient solutions for SoC development.

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